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Associations & Professional Organization (01317)


[Organizaciones y asociaciones profesionales]

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Other Companies for Associations & Professional Organization (01317)
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Accreditation Board for Engineers and Technicians ABET, Inc., the recognized accreditor for college and university programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and technology, is a federation of 30 professional and technical societies representing these fields. Among the most respected accr... Baltimore, MD       URL
Alternative Energy Resources Org. AERO is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to solutions that promote resource conservation and local economic vitality. AERO nurtures individual and community self reliance through programs that support sustainable agriculture, renewable ... Helena, MT       URL
Aluminum Anodizers Council (AAC) On the AAC's website you will find valuable information about the metal finishing process of aluminum anodizing and its many inherent performance qualities, including corrosion resistance and decorative options for coloring aluminum. Wauconda, IL       URL
American Academy of Environ. Engineers The American Academy of Environmental Engineers is dedicated to excellence in the practice of environmental engineering to ensure the public health, safety, and welfare to enable humankind to co-exist in harmony with nature. Annapolis, MD       URL
American Architectural Foundation (AAF) American Architectural Foundation (AAF) educates individuals and communities about the power of architecture to transform lives and improve the places where we live, learn, work, and play. Through our outreach programs, grants, scholarships and educ... Washington, DC       URL
American Association of Blacks in Energy The American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) is a national association of energy professionals founded and dedicated to ensure the input of African Americans and other minorities into the discussions and developments of energy policies regula... Washington, DC       URL
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging The members of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging help millions of individuals and their families every day through mission-driven, not-for-profit organizations dedicated to providing the services that people need, when the... Washington, DC       URL
American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials AASHTO is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing highway and transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. It represents all five transportation modes: air, highways, public transportation, rail, ... Washington, DC       URL
American Bureau of Metal Statistics, Inc For over 75 years ABMS has served as a primary source of metal statistics by obtaining data to a large extent directly from reporting companies on a confidential basis. These wholly independent and authoritative data series are unrivaled in their pr... Chatham, NJ       URL
American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) The American Coal Ash Association, established in 1968, is a trade organization devoted to recycling the materials created when we burn coal to generate electricity. Our members comprise the world's foremost experts on coal ash (fly ash and bottom a... Denver, CO       URL
American Copper Council (ACC) The American Copper Council is a not-for-profit trade association representing all segments of the copper industry. Incorporated in 1975, the Council's 120 member companies include producers, scrap dealers, brass and wire mills, fabricators, consume... New York, NY       URL
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of promoting economic prosperity, energy security, and environmental protection. Washington, DC       URL
American Council for Construction Education The mission of the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) is to be a leading global advocate of quality construction education programs and to promote, support, and accredit quality construction education programs. Through promotion and ... San Antonio, TX       URL
American Design Drafting Association The American Design Drafting Association an international non-profit, professional membership and educational organization born in Bartlesville, Oklahoma in 1948. The ADDA is an individual membership society for the design drafting and digital desig... Newbern, TN       URL
American Fence Assn. American Fence Association provides information about fencing and a nationwide directory of fencing contractors. Today, the American Fence Association is the largest organization representing the entire fence, deck, and railing industry in the Unite... Glen Ellyn, IL       URL
American Fiberboard Association (AFA) The AMERICAN FIBERBOARD ASSOCIATION\u2122 (AFA) is the national trade organization of manufacturers of cellulosic fiberboard products used for residential and commercial construction, commercial products, and packaging. AFA serves as the central cle... Palatine, IL       URL
American Foundrymens Society, Inc. American Foundry Society promotes the metalcasting industry by helping foundry and diecasting members to manage all production operations and market their products and services. Schaumburg, IL       URL
American Gas Association The American Gas Association represents local energy companies that deliver natural gas throughout the United States. AGA is to be the most effective and influential energy trade association in the United States. The American Gas Association, founde... Washington, DC       URL
American Hardwood Export Council AHEC is the leading international trade association for the American hardwood industry, representing companies and trade associations engaged in the export of a full range of U.S. hardwood products, including - lumber, veneer, plywood, flooring, mou... Reston, VA       URL
American Hydrogen Association (AHA) The mission of AHA is to facilitate achievements of prosperity without pollution and to close the information gap between researchers, industry and the public, drawing on world-wide developments concerning hydrogen, solar, wind, hydro, ocean and bio... Phoenix, AZ       URL
American Indian Council of Architects and Engineers The American Indian Council of Architects and Engineers is a non-profit corporation established in 1976. Its membership is comprised of American Indian architecture, engineering, and design professionals through out the United States of America. Portland, OR       URL
American Indian Science and Engineering Society The American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) is a national nonprofit organization that provides educational opportunities for American Indians and Native Alaskans to pursue science, engineering, and technology and supports professionals... Albuquerque, NM       URL
American Institute for International Steel (AIIS) For over fifty years, the AIIS mission has been to promote free trade and economic growth in steel. In that effort, we have supported trade-liberalizing agreements such as NAFTA, GATT, and WTO, with a special focus on the elimination of steel tariff... McLean, VA       URL
American Institute of Inspectors Changing The Way Real Estate Is Inspected In North America! The American Institute of Inspectors is a non-profit corporation that has been set up for the benefit of residential and commercial building inspectors across our great nation. Lower Lake, CA       URL
American Ladder Institute (ALI) The American Ladder Institute (ALI) is a not-for-profit association dedicated to promoting safe ladder use. The ALI is comprised of members from the US and Canada who are ladder manufacturers and manufacturers of ladder components. ALI is the Americ... Chicago, IL       URL
American Land Rights Association ALRA and its members are dedicated to the wise-use of our resources, access to our Federal lands and the protection of our private property rights. ALRA is a national clearinghouse and support coalition encouraging family recreation, multiple-use, c... Battle Ground, WA       URL
American Lumber Standard Committee Inc. The American Lumber Standard Committee Incorporated (ALSC), is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Maryland. The ALSC, comprised of manufacturers, distributors, users, and consumers of lumber, serves as the standing committee for ... Germantown, MD       URL
American Road and Transportation Builders Association Established in 1902 at the Cadillac Hotel in New York City, ARTBA is the oldest and most respected national transportation construction-related association. Headquartered today in Washington, D.C., just blocks from the White House, ARTBA's mission i... Washington, DC       URL
American Society of Certified Engineering Technicians The American Society of Certified Engineering Technicians (ASCET) is the only national, professional society created especially for, and administered by, engineering technicians and technologists in all engineering disciplines. The American Society ... Brandon, MS       URL
American Society of Consulting Arborists The American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA) is a non-profit professional society created to develop and preserve the highest standards of performance in the field of arboricultural consulting. ASCA is the only professional or trade organizat... Rockville, MD       URL
American Society of Gas Engineers The American Society of Gas Engineers invites those individuals interested in gas utilization, gas appliance design, gas certification and safety, to join our organization and participate in our national conference and educational programs. Anaheim, CA       URL
American Society of Test Engineers The ASTE is a all volunteer non-profit corporation with members in 22 States and Canada, including several active chapters. The ASTE is dedicated to the Quality, Integrity, and Advancement of the Test Engineering Profession. Nutting Lake, MA       URL
American Tin Trade Association The American Tin Trade Association was formed in 1928 and since that time has grown into a well respected institution. Meeting twice a year, the ATTA's primary purpose as defined by its charter, is to "promote the best interests of those persons eng... Howell, NJ       URL
APA - The Engineered Wood Association APA Puts the Engineered into Engineered Wood Products For over seventy years, APA-The Engineered Wood Association has focused on helping the industry create structural wood products of exceptional strength, versatility and reliability. Combining the... Tacoma, WA       URL
Applied Technology Council (ATC) The Applied Technology Council (ATC) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation established in 1973 through the efforts of the Structural Engineers Association of California. ATC's mission is to develop and promote state-of-the-art, user-friendly engine... Redwood City, CA       URL
Architectual Heritage Foundation Founded in 1966, Architectural Heritage Foundation has been blending the fields of historic preservation and real estate development for over forty years. By combining a preservationist's vision with a businessman's sensibility, AHF's founder and Ch... Boston, MA       URL
Architectural Precast Assn. The Architectural Precast Association is a not-for-profit trade association organized to serve the informational, technical and business needs of Architectural Precast Concrete manufacturers and their suppliers and to promote high standards of workm... Fort Myers, FL       URL
Architectural Woodwork Inst. Architectural Woodwork Institute - AWI Reston, VA       URL
Asphalt Institute The Asphalt Institute will promote the use of petroleum asphalt/bitumen and will continue to be the preeminent center of excellence for asphalt supplier issues. The Asphalt Institute will serve as the focal point for applications of new technology a... Lexington, KY       URL
Associated Construction Distributors International Associated Construction Distributors International (ACD) is a co-operative association of independently owned and locally operated distributors of specialty construction products and equipment. Ankeny, IA       URL
Associated General Contractors, Michigan Chapter The AGC of Michigan is a full service construction trade association providing services to Michigan's leading general contractors, construction managers, specialty contractors and related construction industry companies. A diverse group of Michigan'... Lansing, MI       URL
Associated Landscape Contractors of America PLANET, the Professional Landcare Network, is an international association serving lawn care professionals, landscape management contractors, design/build/installation professionals, and interior plantscapers. PLANET provides its members with a good... Herndon, VA       URL
Associated Specialty Contractors The Association\u0092s goals are to promote efficient management and productivity; to improve contracting forms and practices; to coordinate the work of specialized branches of the industry in management information, research, public information, go... Bethesda, MD       URL
Association for Facilities Engineering When you think of facilities engineering, think of just three letters ... AFE, the Association for Facilities Engineering. AFE is a professional organization of 5,000 members. We bring together professionals who ensure the optimal operation of plant... Herndon, VA       URL
Association for Women in Architecture The Association for Women in Architecture \u2013 Los Angeles is a 501(c)(6) Professional Education organization dedicated to advancing and supporting the positions of women in architecture and allied fields. Founded in 1922, the national organizatio... Torrance, CA       URL
Association of General Contractors of America The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), the voice of the construction industry, is an organization of qualified construction contractors and industry related companies dedicated to skill, integrity, and responsibility. Operating in part... West Sacramento, CA       URL
Brick Industry Association The Brick Industry Association is committed to advancing the interest of brick manufacturers and distributors, accomplishing objectives which either cannot be achieved by individual members, or those which are more efficiently carried out collectively. Reston, VA       URL
Carpet and Rug Institute The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) is the national trade association representing the carpet and rug industry. Headquartered in Dalton, Georgia, the Institute's membership consists of manufacturers representing over 90% of all carpet produced in the... Dalton, GA       URL
Carpet Cushion Council As the industry resource for answers to carpet cushion related questions, the Carpet Cushion Council hopes to educate carpet retailers, manufacturers, distributors, and cushion manufacturers about the need to understand this untapped commodity. Riverside, CT       URL
Chemical Fabrics and Film Association, I The Chemical Fabrics and Film Association is an international trade association representing manufacturers of polymer-based fabric and film products, used in the building and construction, automotive, fashion, and many other industries. Cleveland, OH       URL
Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe Association The Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI) is the major trade association representing all segments of the plastics piping industry. PPI members share a common interest in broadening awareness and creating opportunities that expand market share and exte... Irving, TX       URL
Door and Hardware Institute (DHI) The Door and Hardware Institute (DHI) is the only professional association dedicated to the Architectural Openings Industry. With the purpose of advancing life safety and security within the built environment, DHI represents the North American openi... Chantilly, VA       URL
Forest Resources Association Inc. The Forest Resources Association (FRA) represents diverse segments of the wood fiber supply chain, promoting forest products industry members' ability to compete successfully in the global marketplace. The Forest Resources Association promotes the e... Rockville, MD       URL
Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) The Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) is the premier voice, advocate and thought leader for the information and communications technology (ICT) industry. Washington, DC       URL
Masonry Institute of America (MIA) The Masonry Institute of America was founded in 1957 under the name of Masonry Research. We are a promotion, technical and research organization established to improve and extend the use of masonry. Torrance, CA       URL
Metal Building Manufacturers Association MBMA was founded in 1956 by a group of companies that developed an innovative way of designing, manufacturing and marketing buildings. Since its inception, MBMA has been instrumental in defining and promoting the common interests of metal building s... Cleveland, OH       URL
National Association for Surface Finishing The National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF) is a 501 (c)(6) trade association formed in2007 as a means to better serve the surface finishing industry. The NASF was formed by reorganizing and bringing together the members of the American El... Washington, DC       URL
National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association NBFAA, a non-profit 501(c) 6 trade association, is the nation's oldest and largest organization dedicated to representing, promoting, and supporting the electronic life safety, security and systems industry. Member companies specialize in a wide spe... Bethesda, MD       URL
Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) The Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) is a non-profit trade association representing manufacturers, suppliers, fabricators/distributors, design professionals, and builders committed to providing quality structural insulated panels for al...         URL
Wallcoverings Manufacturers Association The Wallcoverings Association (WA) is a nonprofit trade association representing wallcoverings manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers to the industry. The WA provides an excellent vehicle for communication between various segments of the wallcov... Chicago, IL       URL

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