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Facility Sanitary Sewerage (22 13 00)


Ductile Iron Pipe from Tricon Piping Systems (Nov 21, 2024)

Facility Sanitary Sewerage (22 13 00)

Facility Sanitary Sewerage (22 13 00)

Other Companies for Facility Sanitary Sewerage

Other Companies for Facility Sanitary Sewerage
RFI Company Description City, state Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
A-Lok Products, Inc. A-LOK set forth with a single commitment: to manufacture and develop ecological-responsive wastewater products that are the solutions to customer and industry. In the early 1970's, the primary concern of the wastewater construction industry was wate... Bristol, PA       URL
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc The world's largest manufacturer of polyethylene drainage products. At ADS we have established a reputation for leadership in the drainage industry by meeting the needs of our customers, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders. We remain comm... Hilliard, OH       URL
Environment One E/One Environment One manufactures low-pressure, gravity-independent, contour-following sewage collection systems. They also manufacture monitoring instruments for electric utilities that detect particles emitted in a generator. Niskayuna, NY       URL
Josam Co. Josam, in business before the term engineered plumbing-drainage existed, is recognized around the world for producing high quality specification drainage products. Formed in 1914, Josam patented its Model Number 100 floor drain with its innovative d... Michigan City, IN       URL
Press-Seal Gasket Corp. Since 1954, Press Seal Gasket has been a leader in the design and manufacture of sealing products for underground collection systems worldwide. Our commitment to providing sealing solutions has produced 15 patented products for Sanitary Sewers, Stor... Fort Wayne, IN       URL
ProSet Systems Inc. Firestopping Penetrations and Sleeving Systems Water-Proofing Systems Fire Rated and Planter Drains Air Admittance Valve Trap Primer Atlanta, GA       URL
Studor Inc. Studor Air Admittance Valves replace expensive and complex plumbing vent systems that penetrate roofs of most buildings. Lifetime warranty! Dunedin, FL       URL
Zurn Industries Zurn was founded in 1900 in Erie, PA. It originally manufactured a patented backwater valve, and it now manufactures and distributes one of the largest plumbing products packages in the world! Zurn includes: the Specification Drainage Operation, Aqu... Erie, PA       URL

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For other relevant searches, you might want to try: FOG; fats, oils and grease; sanitary waste and vent piping systems, with piping, floor drains, valves, piping specialties, interceptors, separators.

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