Redland Clay Tile  

Two Piece Roman Clay. CSI 3-Part Specifications.






A. Formed clay roofing tiles, complete with components and other required accessories as needed for a complete and proper installation.

B. Underlayment, eave, valley, rake, and ridge protection; nailers, sheet metal flashings and tile fastening.


A. ICBO Report No. 4300 - Clay Roofing Tiles.

B. ASTM Standard Specifications

  1. C144 - Aggregate for masonry mortar.
  2. C150 - Portland Cement.
  3. D226 - Asphalt-saturated organic felt used in roofing and waterproofing.
  4. D1002 - Silicone sealant.
  5. D2626 - Asphalt-saturated and coated organic felt base used in roofing.
  6. D2822 - Asphalt roof cement.


    A. Submit under provisions of Section 01300.

    B. Shop Drawings: Submit Shop Drawings showing details on hip, ridge, valley and rake configurations, methods of fastening, and collaborated details of related work.

    C. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data on tile properties, configurations and colors.

    D. Samples: Submit two tile Samples illustrating color, surface finish and texture, and tile configuration for Architect's approval.


    A. Use adequate number of skilled workmen who are thoroughly skilled and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the Work of this Section


    A. All material shall be handled and stored in a manner which will prevent its damage.

    B. Materials shall be stored in original containers and shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer's name.



    A. Where indicated on the Drawings, provide Two-Piece Roman Clay Roofing Tile as manufactured by Redland Clay Tile Inc., 1287 Linda Vista Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069 (800) 354-5983, in color "_______" with matching birdstops at all eaves.


    A. Underlayment:

    1. Underlayment shall conform to one of the following:

  8. Roll underlayment: ASTM D226 non-perforated.
  9. Roll underlayment for areas of frequent ice build up or high wind areas: ASTM D2626.

B. Nailers:

1. Where indicated on the Drawings or where required for proper fastening, provide:

  1. 2 inch by 6 inch wood nailing strips at all hips and ridges.
  2. 2 inch by 3 inch wood nailing strips under first row of cover tile after gable roll, with adjacent 2 inch by 2 inch wood nailing strip along rake side.

C. Flashing:

  1. Valley flashing: minimum 28 gauge corrosion-resistant metal.
  2. Other: lead, copper or other approved material.

D. Fasteners:

  1. Nails: corrosion-resistant box nails, minimum 11 gauge.
  2. Other: other approved fastening systems.

E. Mortar materials, plastic cement and sealant:

  1. Sand: ASTM C144
  2. Portland cement: ASTM C150 type 1.
  3. Plastic cement: ASTM D2822.
  4. Silicone sealant: ASTM D1002.



A. Verify that deck surfaces are clean, dry, free of ridges, warps or voids.

B. Verify roof openings are correctly framed prior to installing work of this Section. Do not proceed until all unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.


A. Underlayment:

  1. For pitches of less than 3/12: Lay two layers of 30 or 40 lb. asphalt saturated felt at right angles to roof pitch, mopped solidly with 25 lbs. of hot asphalt between layers and mopped solidly on top of layers with hot asphalt. Nail to secure in place as code requires.
  2. For pitches of 3/12 and greater: Lay one layer of 30 lb. or two layers of 15 lb. asphalt saturated felt, laid with 4 inch headlap ad 6 inch sidelap. Nail to secure in place as code requires.

B. Flashing:

1. Flash at valleys in strict accordance with Chapter 15 of the Uniform Building Code:

  1. Provide no lighter than 28 gauge corrosion resistant metal flashing extending at least 11 inches from centerline of valley each way.
  2. Provide a splash diverter rib not less than 1 inch high at flow line formed as a part of flashing.
  3. Provide flashing end laps of not less than 6 inches.
  4. Longitudinal edges shall be turned in not less than 30 degrees, and shall be not less than 1/2 inch in height to prevent water overflow.
  5. For roof slopes of 3/12 and over, the metal valley flashing shall have a 36 inch wide underlayment directly under it consisting of a minimum of one layer of Type 15 felt running the full length of the valley, in addition to other specified underlayment.

2. At sides of dormers, chimneys and other walls, extend flashing at least 6 inches up vertical surface.

  1. Thoroughly counterflash.
  2. Extend flashing under tile at least 4 inches and turn edge up 1-1/2 inches.

3. At lower sides of dormers, chimneys and other walls, extending flashing at least 3 inches up wall and 4 inches over tile, and then thoroughly counterflash.

4. At wood saddles and returns, line with 16 oz. copper extending up roof slope not less than 12 inches, and up vertical walls not less than 6 inches, and thoroughly counterflash.

5. Make all counterflashing plugged, pointed and secure.

6. Extend metal gutter up roof to a point higher than the outer edge of gutter.

C. Birdstops, boosters and starters:


  1. Install first course of pan tile leaving a 2 to 3 inch overhang at eave.
  2. Install 14-3/4 inch Roman cover starter tile along perimeter of all eaves.


  1. Install 1 inch by 2 inch cant strip at eave.
  2. Install 3 inch booster tiles at back portion of pan tile on first course.
  3. Install 14-1/2 inch Baja Mission cover starter tile on top of booster tiles along perimeter of all eaves.


  1. Install 1 inch by 2 inch cant strip at eave.
  2. Install 14-1/2 inch Euro Baja Mission cover starter tile along perimeter of all eaves.

D. Fasteners: (Edit to avoid conflicting requirements)

  1. At plywood decks, provide minimum of 11 gauge, large headed, non-corrosive box nails of sufficient length to penetrate 3/4 inches into or through the sheathing, whichever is less.
  2. At nailable concrete decks, use stainless steel or silicon bronze screw shank nails of sufficient length to penetrate 1/2 to 3/4 their length into, but not through the deck.
  3. Provide two fasteners per tile in snow areas.
  4. In areas designated by the building officials as being subject to repeated wind velocities in excess of 80 mph, or where roof height exceeds 40 feet above grade, all tiles shall be attached as follows:
  1. The heads of all tiles shall be nailed.
  2. The noses of all eave tiles shall be fastened with approved clips.
  3. All rake tiles shall be nailed with two nails.
  4. The noses of all hip, ridge and rake tiles shall be set in a bead of approved roofer's mastic.
  1. On slopes over 7/12, the nose end of all tiles shall be securely fastened with "Storm Locks" or "Wind Locks", as manufactured by The Wire Works, Inc. (800)341-8828, or with other approved fastening system.
  2. Provide Twisted Wire Tile-Tye, or Riness Tile-Tie system of brass, copper or galvanized wire as manufactured by The Wire Works, Inc. (800)341-8828, or other approved fastening system.

E. Install field tile in courses beginning at eave working up incline of roof deck.


  1. Install pan tiles in vertical rows at a maximum of 18 inch centers, with Roman cover tiles fastened over the intervening spaces, providing a maximum exposure of 14-1/2 inches for each tile.
  2. As an alternate, end laps of cover tile can be embedded in cement mortar for a more rustic appearance.
  3. Install hip, ridge and rake tiles:
  1. Provide cement mortar at all hips, ridges and rakes to completely fill voids and to weatherproof the roof.
  2. All hip, ridge, rake and first row of cover tiles after gable roll shall be set in cement mortar and fastened by non-corrosive nails.

4. All tile in contact with cement mortar shall be immersed in water for two minutes before laying.

5. To avoid color problems on roof:

  1. Roof load tiles from different pallets.
  2. Visually inspect application from the ground level after installing 100 tiles.
  3. Visually verify that roof tile color is uniform and even, and verify that tile courses are straight and true.

6. Correct and color or installation problems before proceeding with the installation.

7. Complete installation to provide weather tight service.


1. Install pan tiles in vertical rows at a maximum of 13 inch centers, with Baja Mission cover tiles fastened over the intervening spaces, providing a maximum exposure of 14-1/2 inches for each tile.

2. As an alternate, end laps of cover tile can be embedded in cement mortar for a more rustic appearance.

3. Install hip, ridge and rake tiles:

  1. Provide cement mortar at all hips, ridges and rakes to completely fill voids and to weatherproof the roof.
  2. all hip, ridge, rake and first row of cover tiles after gable roll shall be set in cement mortar and fastened by non-corrosive nails.

4. All tile in contact with cement mortar shall be immersed in water for two minutes before laying.

5. To avoid color problems on roof:

  1. Roof load tiles from different pallets.
  2. Visually inspect application from the ground level after installing 100 tiles.
  3. Visually verify that roof tile color is uniform and even, and verify that tile courses are straight and true.

6. Correct any color or installation problems before proceeding with the installation.

7. Complete installation to provide weather tight service.


1. Install pan tiles in vertical rows at a maximum of 13 inch centers, with Euro Baja Mission cover tiles fastened over the intervening spaces, providing a maximum exposure of 14-1/2 inches for each tile.

2. As an alternate, end laps of cover tile can be embedded in cement mortar for a more rustic appearance.

3. Install hip, ridge and rake tiles:

a. Provide cement mortar at all hips, ridges and rakes to completely fill voids and to weatherproof the roof.

b. All hip, ridge, rake and first row of cover tiles after gable roll shall be set in cement mortar and fastened by non-corrosive nails.

4. All tile in contact with cement mortar shall be immersed in water for two minutes before laying.

5. To avoid color problems on roof:

a. Roof load tiles from different pallets.

b. Visually inspect application from the ground level after installing 100 tiles.

c. Visually verify that roof tile color is uniform and even, and verify that tile courses are straight and true.

6. Correct any color or installation problems before proceeding with the installation.

7. Complete installation to provide weather tight service.


A. Clean roof to remove all piece of debris.

B. Remove and dispose of all work-related refuse and debris.