Panelfold Inc.  

Sonicwal/66 Section 10650. CSI 3-Part Specifications.



(Scope, Related Work, References, Submittals and Delivery/Handling paragraphs per project requirements.)


2.1 ACOUSTICAL ACCORDION folding partitions shall be (specify: manually; or electrically operated) SONICWAL/66 as manufactured by Panelfold,lnc., Miami, Florida USA and installed by an authorized representative in openings prepared by others to Sonicwal requirements.

2.2 TWIN WALL PARTITION PANELS shall be bolted to 16 gauge steel panel support brackets and suspended from the steel yoke hinged at the brackets. Multi-fingered extruded vinyl Sonicsweep seals shall be installed top and bottom both sides of the partition and shall be field adjustable.

2.3 END POSTS shall have deep nesting aluminum nose with dual vertical sound seals and shall be equipped with Gripulls, latches and aluminum jamb moulds (specify: bronze ESP or natural anodized).

2.4 TRACK AND HANGERS: Track shall be extruded aluminum. Four ball-bearing wheels shall be installed on each volute and a minimum of six shall be installed on each end post.

2.5 PANEL SURFACES: Panels shall be specially laminated engineered wood core, bonded with water-resistant, plastic glue and surfaced with one of the following (colors to be selected from manufacturer's standards):

2.5.1 Woodtex wood grain vinyl, Class A flame spread.
2.5.2 Startex solid color vinyl, Class A flame spread.
2.5.3 Fabrictex fabric textured vinyl, Class A flame spread.
2.5.4 Ropetex rope textured vinyl, Class A flame spread.
2.5.5 Genuine wood veneer shall be (specify: clear lacquer finished; unfinished, sanded ready for field finishing by others; factory specially finished to match owner's submitted sample) species as specified: White Ash; Red Oak; Natural Birch; White Maple; or American Walnut. 2.5.6 High pressure plasfic laminate, vertical grade.
2.5.7 Ribtex vertical rib wall carpet, Class A flame spread.
2.5.8 Woventex polyolefin panel fabric, Class A flame spread.
2.5.9 Maharam Tekwall 1000 polyolefin panel fabric, Class A flame spread.

2.6 DECORATIVE ACCENTS: Optional carved design shall be provided (specify: one; or both sides).

2.7 ACOUSTICAL RATING as tested by an independent acoustical laboratory in accordance with ASTM E-90-85 test procedures in a full scale 14'0" (4267) by 9'3" (2819) opening shall be (specify: STC 44; STC 42; or STC 38). Optional N.R.C. .70, STC 42 partitions shall be supplied where indicated on the plans (specify: one; or both sides).

2.8 CONNECTOR HINGES: Panels shall be hinged and edge sealed to reduce sound, light and air transmission with heavy duty dual-wall, flame-resistant, extruded vinyl. Hinges shall be securely locked into and protect the panel edges. They shall provide "Memory-Action" causing panels to extend and stack equally, smoothly and quietly. Colors from manufacturer's selector.

2.9 TRIM: Optional Ceilinguard head trim shall be supplied.

2.10 HARDWARE: Security units shall be as specified: Privacy lock one side only; cylinder lock one side only; Cylinder lock one side, privacy lock other Cylinder lock two sides. Optional. Master-keyed cylinder lock by others shall be installed in lieu of regularly furnished cylinder.

2.11 FIRE RETARDANCY: Optional STC 44 and STC 42 only. Panels shall be made up of fire retardant cores (ASTM E84-70 laboratory tunnel tested with 20 flame spread, 15 fuel contributed, 15 smoked developed).

2.12 CURVED TRACK, SWITCHES AND MULTIPLE MEETING POSTS: Furnish to effect room division as detailed on the plans. Minimum radius 3'0" (914mm).

2.13 STACK FORMULA: (Approximately) 2-1/4"/ft. (1 87mm/m) + 8-1/2" (216mm), manually operated. Add 4" (1 02mm) for electrical operation.

2.14 HANGING WEIGHT: (Approximately) STC 44, 7.3 Ibs/ft2 (36kg/m2); STC 42, 6.7 Ibs/ft2 (33kg/m2); STC 38 4.5 Ibs/ft2 (22kg/m2).


(See Project Specifications Guide for Execution, Inspection, Preparation, Installation, Cleaning and Demonstration paragraphs.)
NOTE: The ASTM - 84 procedure Class A flame spread and other test results referenced herein are for comparison purposes only and are not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other materials under actual fire conditions.

Panelfold, Inc. PO Box 680130 Miami, Florida 33168
305/688-3501 - FAX: 305/688-0185
Panelfold is constantly developing its products and reserves the right to change specifications without notice. Copyright© 1998 by Panelfold, Inc. All rights reserved.