Panelfold Inc.  

Ceramicsteel Chalkboard Writing Surfaces. CSI 3-Part Specifications.

Writing Surfaces Specifications

Chalkboard and Chalkboard PLUSTM

General: All writing surfaces will consist of an Alliance Ceramicsteel Chalkboard and Chalkboard PLUSTM panel, manufactured by Alliance America, P.O. Box 920488, Norcross, GA 30092.

Materials: All Ceramicsteel panels will be supplied with a 28 gauge std. (24 gauge optional, subject to minimum order limitations) steel face. The sheet will be properly pre-cleaned and treated. The ceramic finish is fused to the steel sheet at a temperature of approximately 1200°F*.

Finishes: The ceramic finish will consist of a specially formulated glass substance applied by machine. Base metal will be coiled enameling steel of an alloy suitable for the application of architectural porcelain employing a continuous coil process. Base metal will be properly pre-cleaned and treated, to assure complete bond between the steel and the subsequent ceramic coatings. Both surfaces of steel based metal will receive a ground coat of ceramic frit to be fused to the metal in a firing operation used exclusively for ground coat application to prevent contamination. A color cover coat of ceramic frit will be applied to one surface of the ground coat and fused by a firing operation used exclusively for color application. All ceramic coatings will be machine applied with automatic spray equipment to insure maximum finish uniformity. Firing temperature will be approximately 1200°F*. Panels will be specified in any standard color listed on this color guide. The gloss of writing surfaces will not increase by more than three units when subjected to wearability tests specified in testing procedures for 30 hours (approximately 126,000 Strokes).

Handling and Storage: Ceramicsteel panels must be stored on edge in a dry location. Improper storage may lead to warping and irregularities.

Limited Warranty: For the lifetime of the original installation, the manufacturer warrants that the ceramic finish under normal conditions of use shall not exhibit excessive fading or color, crazing, cracking or flaking. The manufacturer's obligation under this warranty is limited to supply without charge, new products for the defective goods, or at it's option, Alliance America may refund the purchase price thereof with due allowance made for the service rendered by such products. All products are sold and warranted only pursuant to our published terms and conditions of sale. Except as expressly provided in our published statement, we make no warranty, express or implied of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness. We are not responsible to the user for any consequential, incidental, or special damages resulting from product use or processing. Alliance America reserves the right to revise, discontinue or modify any of these products.

*Chalkboard PLUSTm requires a firing temperature greater than 1300°F


Accepts sharp, virtually       
unbroken line.


Fine tooth matte finish produces solid chalk line with minimal dust.

Chalkboard PLUSTM

Low-gloss finish gives full color value of chalk and markers with negligible water wear.

Provides good contrast with minimum glare.

Low reflective matte finish provides maximum chalk contrast with no glare. Chalk eraser removes marks completely, retaining minimum residual chalk dust.

Sharp clear chalk and marker lines on low-gloss finish provide maximum  contrast with reduced glare and reflectivity.

Erases easily without ghosts or excess residue.

Wipes clean with dry cloth or standard eraser

Chalk wipes clean with a standard dry eraser. A damp cloth is required to remove the ink of dry erase markers. Other writing media can be cleaned with a water dampened cloth while inadvertent strong ink, permanent marker or crayon may require a mild soap or powdered abrasive.

Easily washed or cleaned without staining or surface damage.

Easily washable with water.

Easily washable with most mild soaps and detergents. Surface not affected by most strong cleaners and basically non-staining due to  non-porous surface.

Magnetic Surface:
Holds standard wall magnets and teaching aids.

Alliance America Ceramicsteel surfaces are ideal for all magnets and  magnetic impregnated materials.

Alliance America Ceramicsteel surfaces are ideal for all magnets and magnetic impregnated materials.

Must resist abrasion and impact. No loss or change of color.

Vitrified glass-hard ceramic surface fused to steel at temperatures of approximately 1200°F. High resistance to impact damage, abrasion, scratching and color fading. Alliance surface registers 6.5 on revised   Moh's scale.

Vitrified glass-hard ceramic surface fused to steel at temperatures in  excess of 1300°F. High resistance to impact damage, abrasion, scratching and color fading. Alliance surface registers 6.5 on revised Moh's scale.

Fire Safety:
Must not present a fire hazard.

Alliance America Ceramicsteel is 100% noncombustible, with class 1 finish rating. 0-0-0 fire hazard classification.

Alliance America Ceramicsteel is 100% noncombustible, with class 1  finish rating. 0-0-0 fire hazard classification.

Panelfold® Option
Panelfold offers Alliance Ceramicsteel Chalkboard and Chalkboard Plus
TM writing surfaces on its Moduflex® Series 800, Series 600 and Series 400 operable walls as well as its PrimeSpacer®
Series 300 relocatable walls (portable panels) as a regularly available option. The writing surfaces may be nominally 4' 0" (1219mm) wide by 4' 0" (1219mm) high or may be applied the full height of the panels [up to 12' 0" (3658mm) high] for special applications.



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Copyright© 1998 Alliance America

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