9 Reasons Organizations Select Security Revolving Doors to Protect their Most Valuable Assets
March 1, 2019
Security revolving doors are the entrance solution of choice for the Fortune 500. An released in 2017 shows that the market for these solutions has increased from $25.9 million to $35.1 million in just two short years. Why are security revolving doors gaining so much momentum? Explore 9 reasons below.
Security revolving doors are the entrance solution of choice for the Fortune 500. An released in 2017 shows that the market for these solutions has increased from $25.9 million to $35.1 million in just two short years. Why are security revolving doors gaining so much momentum? Explore 9 reasons below.
1 | Tailgating Prevention
is the most common way intruders are able to slip into a building. Why? It’s hard for humans to be rude. Security revolving doors, by design, prevent an unauthorized user from following an authorized user in the trailing compartment. A user doesn’t even have the opportunity to say, “No, I can’t hold this door open for you.” The door does all the work.
And while a turnstile will only alarm when tailgating occurs, a security revolving door prevents the act from happening altogether.
A unique feature of the security revolving door is that it stops in the “plus” position during a tailgating attempt. This creates a wall between the intruder and the secure area. While the door is rebuffing the intruder, the authorized user is able to proceed to the secure area without any interference.
2 | Anti-Piggybacking Technology
Often done in an act of collusion, two people may try to squeeze through a security revolving door using the same compartment. Through sophisticated anti-piggybacking technology, the door will detect when more than one person is inside a single compartment, stop in the “plus position,” creating a wall between the users and the secure area, and force both users to exit the door.
3 | Unmanned Solution = Reallocation of Security Guards
Because security revolving doors prevent unauthorized entry due to tailgating and piggybacking, guard supervision is not necessary. These doors are often placed at employee-only entrances, elevator lobbies and on upper floors within a building to protect sensitive data. A reduction or reallocation of guard staff results in a fast return on your investment.
A Fortune 500 financial institution was able to deploy security revolving doors at seven employee-only entrances and replace the yearly salary of 24/7 supervision at all entrances. As a result, the company was able to achieve a straight line investment of just 10 months, and put money back in their pockets every year thereafter.
4 | Simultaneous, Bi-Directional Throughput
Most security entrances are bi-directional, meaning they handle traffic in two directions. But, the security revolving door is the only entrance that has simultaneous, bi-directional . This means that users do not have to wait turns. They can go in and out of the same entrance at the same time. The result is maximum throughput efficiency – and an entrance that can boast the highest throughput numbers of any other. The Boon Edam can handle about 22 people per minute, per direction, which is about 44 people per minute!
5 | Predictive Analytics
We have a saying at our office that, “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth measuring.” Security revolving doors that use the anti-piggybacking technology have a wealth of valuable metrics available to security managers. These include metrics that not only record and report on attendance and efficiency, but can actually predict the risk of unauthorized entry.
StereoVision can be adjusted in a variety of ways that affect the sensitivity of how it assesses the door compartment during a piggybacking attempt. If the sensitivity level is set very high, it is more likely that individuals will be rejected erroneously for wearing a lumpy backpack or fidgeting, for example. Putting the sensitivity level too low will decrease those types of rejections, but will increase the risk of a potential piggybacking breach. As the sensitivity level is adjusted, StereoVision displays the chance of a successful piggybacking breach as a percentage per 100 attempts using highly accurate sampling data. Many managers strive to calibrate their doors to a risk of piggybacking that is 5% or lower.
These metrics helps organizations comply with regulations and prove that the investment was worth the money.
6 | Increased Security with Available Enhancements
are rampant today and security professionals are looking for the best ways to protect their organizations. Security revolving doors on a building envelope can be outfitted with Level 3 bullet-resistant glass, capable of stopping three .44 magnum bullets, or a bullet that is twice as heavy and moves significantly faster than the bullet of a 9mm handgun.
are also being utilized as a more secure authorization method. Place a biometric device on the outside of a security revolving door to require a fingerprint, hand geometry, iris pattern or the like for access to the secure area of your building.
Finally, we discussed the benefits of anti-piggybacking technology in #2. This technology is often used for inbound detection (entering the work area from the non-secure side). For added security, security revolving doors can utilize this technology in two directions, ensuring only one person also exits the work area at a time.
7 | Faster Technical Resolutions
We know that continuous, trouble-free operation of a security door is vital. Security revolving doors come with a web-based software platform that accelerates technical troubleshooting and automation. Instead of pulling down ceiling panels to tune, readjust or troubleshoot the security door, technicians can access door data using a tablet, mobile phone or laptop computer.
8 | Custom Finishes and Branding
Security doesn’t have to compromise on aesthetics. Security revolving doors are available in a wide variety of custom finishes and branding elements, allowing organizations to match their current building design and brand. Take a look at a few examples below:
9 | Various Installation Options
Security revolving doors can be in a variety of ways, either to optimize a building’s space utilization, create a dramatic statement, or even provide additional shelter for people and the door from the outside elements.
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Company: Boon Edam Inc.
Product: Revolving Doors