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About American Water Heater Company


American Water Heater Company

500 Princeton, POB 4056
City, state:
Johnson City, TN
Postal code:
37602 show map
United States
(800) 937-1037
(423) 283-8000
(423) 283-8050
Phillip Wallace

American Water Heaters is a leading manufacturer of high-quality water heater products with manufacturing, research and development and corporate offices located in Johnson City, TN. American offers a comprehensive line of residential and commercial water heaters.

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(13200) Storage Tank
(15450) Potable Water Storage Tank
(21 41 00) Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water
(22 12 00) Facility Potable-Water Storage Tanks
(22 34 30.13) Residential, Atmospheric, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
(22 34 30.16) Residential, Direct-Vent, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
(22 34 30.19) Residential, Power-Vent, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
(22 34 36.13) Commercial, Atmospheric, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
(22 34 36.16) Commercial, Power-Burner, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
(22 34 36.19) Commercial, Power-Vent, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
(22 34 36.23) Commercial, High-Efficiency, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
  (22 34 36.26) Commercial, Coil-Type, Finned-Tube, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
(22 34 36.29) Commercial, Grid-Type, Finned-Tube, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
(22 63 19) Gas Storage Tanks for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
(23 13 00) Facility Fuel-Storage Tanks
(33 16 16) Underground Water Utility Storage Tanks
(33 16 19) Elevated Water Utility Storage Tanks
(33 56 00) Fuel-Storage Tanks
(33 56 16) Underground Fuel-Storage Tanks
(33 56 43) Aviation Fuel-Storage Tanks
(33 56 43.16) Underground Aviation Fuel-Storage Tanks
(33 56 53) Compressed Gases Storage Tanks

For other relevant searches, you might want to try: water heater, residential, commercial, electric, gas, storage tank, pump tank, expansion tank.