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Bike Racks for Your Home

February 23, 2022

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Garages and basements at home make for great storage for bikes when not being used, but what about all the space taken up by one or multiple bikes?

We need a place to store our bikes at home when we are not off riding them right? Que Madrax bike racks and bicycle security. If you are new to us, Madrax manufactures a range of indoor bike storage from commercial usage in bike rooms and apartment-like complexes to residential usage where you see most fit. Read on to get the inside scoop on all things compact and easy to use residential bike storage. We have hand-picked a few we think you'll like.

Swing Storage

For just one bike or multiples that you would like to park individually, the swing storage would be suitable for you. We will let you in on a little secret: for those areas where space is limited, "swing" the bike rack to one side or the other to reach or get to those originally covered up or blocked areas. 


Vertical Bike Storage

For multiple bikes, stagger the installation height of these racks to take the most advantage of your space. Great for residential use, these bike racks are simple to use and economical for any budget.


Exhibitor Bike Rack

This bike rack is ideal if you have a considerable amount of wall space, but not a lot of room to work with out from the wall. This bike rack mounts to the wall of a basement or garage and securely positions the bike parallel to the wall. 


Z Rack

Similar to the swing storage and vertical bike rack, the Z rack secures the bike vertically perpendicular to the wall with a hook. The Z rack incorporates incredible ease of use and is a very economical choice for those looking for individual bike storage.


Parallel Rack

Close in characteristics to the exhibitor rack, the Parallel rack has the capability to park two bikes rather than one. The Parallel rack is just as it sounds and mounts bikes parallel to the wall it has been chosen to be mounted to. 


Bike Stand

In the event that you do have free space on the floor rather than wall space, the bike stand rack is calling your name. This rack parks one bike and is ideally best for garages or apartment buildings while being very easy to use without any lifting of the bike required.


Wherever you reside and whatever your space requirements entail, Madrax can help. From vertical bike storage to parallel bike storage, and even bike parking on the ground, first think about your space, your ease of use needs, and your economical concerns when choosing the most fitting bike storage rack for you.

@madraxbikeracks #madraxbikeracks #bikeparking #bikeracks

Company: Madrax Bike Racks

Of: Anna Wolf



Bike Parking

Removable Bike Racks (May 12, 2021), Modern bike racks add style to secure bike parking (August 28, 2020), The Essential Guide to Bike Parking - Site planning and installation for bike racks, lockups, and lockers (August 17, 2020), How to select commercial bike racks (June 1, 2020), Spacing bike storage racks (March 23, 2020), Custom Bike Rack Guide (December 11, 2019), Selecting the Best Commercial Bike Rack (February 13, 2019), How to select a bike locker: the best bike security solution (January 4, 2019)