architecture - engineering - construction

About Circle Redmont Inc.


Circle Redmont Inc.

2760 Business Center Blvd.
City, state:
Melbourne, FL
Postal code:
32940 show map
United States
(800) 358-3888
(321) 259-7374
(321) 259-7237

The leading single source manufacturer of structural glass panel systems.

Tradenames: PSG 2000, Outlook, Elite Panel.

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(02700) Bases, Ballasts, Pavements and Appurtenance
(03410) Plant-Precast Structural Concrete
(03450) Plant-Precast Architectural Concrete
(04220) Concrete Masonry Unit
(04270) Glass Masonry Unit
(04840) Prefabricated Masonry Panel
(04900) Masonry Restoration and Cleaning
(04910) Unit Masonry Restoration
(07480) Exterior Wall Assemblies
(08570) Composite Window
(08600) Skylight
(08610) Roof Window
(08630) Metal-Framed Skylight
(08820) Decorative Glazing
(08910) Metal Framed Curtain Wall
(08950) Translucent Wall and Roof Assemblies
(08960) Sloped Glazing Assemblies
(08970) Structural Glass Curtain Wall
(09630) Masonry Flooring
(09633) Granite Flooring
  (10345) Exterior Specialties Restoration
(10538) Canopies
(12650) Multiple-Use Fixed Seating
(03 41 00) Precast Structural Concrete
(04 01 00) Maintenance of Masonry
(04 01 20) Maintenance of Unit Masonry
(04 23 00) Glass Unit Masonry
(04 25 00) Unit Masonry Panels
(08 44 13) Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls
(08 44 16) Glazed Bronze Curtain Walls
(08 44 19) Glazed Stainless-Steel Curtain Walls
(08 54 00) Composite Windows
(08 60 00) Roof Windows and Skylights
(08 61 00) Roof Windows
(08 61 13) Metal Roof Windows
(08 61 16) Wood Roof Windows
(08 63 00) Metal-Framed Skylights
(09 63 00) Masonry Flooring
(10 01 70) Operation and Maintenance of Exterior Specialties

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