About Commercial Enameling Co.
Commercial Enameling Co.
6200 S Alameda St.
City, state:
Huntington Park, CA
Postal code:
90255 show map
PO Box:
PO Box 848
United States
(800) 362-6354
(323) 588-8108 Fax:
(323) 583-3226
CECO is a privately owned corporation established in 1928 in Los Angeles, California. Our manufacturing facilities and headquarters are now located in Huntington Park, California. Our products consist of various porcelain enameled cast-iron plumbing fixtures. CECOs core competencies include an established, high quality manufacturing process, the ability to quickly deliver the product to the customer, the ability to customize products by color, and an established distribution network on the wholesale level. Because of years of extensive experience and the desire to remain a privately owned operation, CECO has developed a reputation for our ability to efficiently produce and deliver high quality plumbing fixtures. We have our own foundry and enameling operations that provide excellent quality control of cast and enameled product.
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