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Discount Bike Racks Available At Unbelievable Prices

  Subscribe to FREE newsletter  Aug 07, 2011

Discerning customers can buy quality bike racks for sale at all-time-low prices

Bike racks discount from Reliance Foundry - perfect for businesses and families looking for top-quality bicycle parking racks at great prices.

Customers look for bike racks that are aesthetically pleasing, secure, weather-resistant and sturdy. Reliance Foundry offers an extensive line-up of bike parking racks that occupy minimum space while providing users with many advantages:

  • Bike racks provide a secure storage position that help prevent bicycles from being robbed.
  • Bike racks are held secure in a convenient position on the site, presumably in an area selected by the owner that will not get in the way of pedestrian traffic.
  • Several bicycle parking racks can be installed in close proximity to save parking and storage space.
  • Bike racks attract cycling customers to businesses, especially when competitors do not offer similar bike parking convenience.
  • Decorative metal bike parking racks can help embellish storefronts or the surrounding landscape.
  • Cyclists, families and businesses are considering the convenience and aesthetic value of bike parking racks more than ever. Considering customers’ needs and requirements, Reliance Foundry continues to expand its’current offerings of bike parking products by testing and improving new products.

As newer products become more popular than others, or as products are upgraded to make improvments based on user-experience, several models are left unsold. Reliance Foundry is now offerring these hand-picked bike racks for sale at all-time-low prices that are guaranteed not to be found anywhere else on the web. By discounting and liquidating developing bike rack models, Reliance Foundry can always offer the most popular and up-to-date lineup of bike parking products.

Feel free to browse our discount bike racks gallery to find many cheap, discounted bike racks from our unique selection, all at unbelievable prices.

About Reliance Foundry Co. Ltd.:

Reliance Foundry has been a family-owned business since 1927. Bike parking products are one of its growing product lines, along with bollard covers, industrial wheels and investment castings. Reliance sources products globally and offers quick and convenient delivery in the United States and Canada from its Vancouver location.

Brad Done
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Reliance Foundry Co. Ltd.
Surrey, British Columbia (B.C.), Canada

e-mail: [email protected]

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