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About Fibercon International, Inc.


Fibercon International, Inc.

100 S 3rd St.
City, state:
Evans City, PA
Postal code:
16033 show map
United States
(800) 521-9908
(724) 538-5006
(724) 538-9118

The same features that make Fibercon desirable for concrete construction — such as reinforcement against micro-cracking, enhanced flexural strength, excellent impact resistance and lower permeability — provide benefits to refractory applications, including green state. The use of stainless steel alloys makes Fibercon ideal for high-temperature applications.

Today, more and more companies in the Petrochemical, chemical, steel, aluminum, general metal, power generation, cement and rock industries rely on Fibercon stainless steel rein­forcing fibers for their refractories. Fibercon is approved by major refractory manufacturers, engineering firms and petro­chemical companies.

Fibercon fibers are proven to be of extremely high quality, both in terms of metallurgy and dimensional tolerance. Use of Fibercon substantially improves refractory durability and performance, and reduces refractory installa­tion, maintenance and materials costs.

The technology offers long refractory life, exceptional spalling resistance, excellent fracture toughness, better abrasion resistance, superior thermal and mechanical shock resistance and uniform alloying characteristics.

A unique contribution of Fibercon fibers is the bridging of the weak zone in a refractory subjected to a thermal gradi­ent. Refractory strength is high in the hydraulic zone, where temperatures aver­age 1,400 degrees F., and also in the ceramic zone, where temperatures run as high as 1,800 degrees F. But strength declines sharply between these two tem­peratures. Fibercon fibers are designed to sustain refractory strength in this temper­ature range.

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(04 50 00) Refractory Masonry
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