About Gardner Denver Machinery Inc.
Gardner Denver Machinery Inc.
1800 Gardner Expressway
City, state:
Quincy, IL
Postal code:
62301 show map
United States
(217)222-5400 Fax:
Gardner Denver, founded in 1859, is a global manufacturer of industrial compressors, blowers, pumps, loading arms and fuel systems. The Company has 40 manufacturing facilities located in the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific with offices in 34 different countries. 2009 Revenues were $1.8 billion dollars with approximately 67% of that revenue coming from outside of the United States. The Company believes its major products are leaders within the industries it serves. At the heart of our success is our operating philosophy, The Gardner Denver Way.
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(23 62 00) Packaged Compressor and Condenser Units |
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