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How To Avoid The Most Common Problems With Commercial Lampposts

December 30, 2016

There are three main components to commercial lampposts: The actual post, the lighting fixture, and the light bulb. The post, the fixture and the light bulb can create a multitude of common issues that impact the functionality of your commercial lighting systems.

Common Problems With Light Bulbs

There are a number of problems that arise from using traditional incandescent bulbs as well as CFL bulbs. While LED bulbs can also have issues, they tend to be fewer and far between. LED bulbs are the most energy efficient, cost effective and long lasting option on the market. That’s why most businesses have already made the switch. According to Energy.gov, LED bulbs have the greatest potential impact on energy savings in the US.  By the year 2027, it’s estimated that LEDs could save over $33 billion a year at today’s electrical costs.

Common Problems With CFL Bulbs

Problem: Bulb burns out without cause.
Some CFL bulbs are defective, in which case that could be your issue and you just need a replacement bulb. Higher quality bulbs are less likely to fail. You should also check the packaging to make sure the bulb works with your particular fixture. Some bulbs are only meant to be used indoors and/or not with dimmers.

Problem: The bulb burns out prematurely.
When your bulb goes out earlier than it should, it may have something to do with vibrations and impact, both of which CFL bulbs are sensitive to. These vibrations can come from something as seemingly simple as a door routinely slamming shut. If lights are frequently used, an LED bulb may offer a better solution.

Problem: The bulb is flickering or buzzing.
CFL bulbs rely on a ballast to spark voltage and provide light. If the ballast is not supplying sufficient electricity, the bulb may start buzzing and flickering. If the ballast is faulty or loose this issue may also occur. Try changing the bulb and if the problem persists the issue is likely the ballast. You will need to call an electrician for repairs.

Common Problems With Incandescent Bulbs

Problem: The bulb burns out faster than it should.
The bulb you are using might not have the correct wattage for the fixture. Double check the rating on your fixture and use a bulb that supplies the appropriate wattage. Using incorrectly matched bulbs and fixtures will result in the bulb overheating and burning out much sooner than it should.

Problem: The bulb is not turning on at all.
The bulb could be burned out, or if it’s new it could be faulty. It may also just be too loose in the socket to form a proper connection. If a new bulb or tighter connection doesn’t address the problem, the issue might be with the fixture, outlet, cord or the switch could be defective.

Problem: The bulb is flickering.
If the bulb is loose it may cause the light to flicker. If a ceiling fan is attached to the fixture, vibrations from the fan may cause the bulbs to jiggle loose and subsequently flicker. If the bulb or connection is corroded, this can also create flickering. Other issues might relate to the cord, fixture, outlet or a defective switch.

Common Problems With LED Bulbs

Problem: The bulb burns out too early.
LED bulbs should last much longer than any other bulbs. But there are cheap LED bulbs on the market that do not last as long as high quality LED bulbs. These cheaper bulbs are not able to disperse heat as quickly as they create it, which ultimately leads to an early demise.

Problem: The bulb will not work with a dimmer.
Not all LED bulbs work with a standard dimmer. That’s because the wattage is lower than what’s necessary for dimming features to work.  Look for LED bulbs with a dimmable LED driver and use electronic dimmers as opposed to magnetic dimmers.

Common Problems With Light Posts

Your lampposts are just as important as the bulbs inside of them, without one the other isn’t going to do its job. Plus, lampposts create a style that reflects your business, which means you don’t want an unattractive fixture.

Problem: Lamppost is breaking down quicker than expected.
Our resin-based lampposts are far superior to traditional lampposts. In general, most light poles have seams and the inside of the base is neither powder coated nor enamel finished. As a result, it’s very easy for moisture and salt to get inside and create a world of problems. We manufacture our lampposts differently so that they are resistant to moisture, salt, corrosion, impact damage and so forth.

Problem: The post base is corroded or damaged.
The first place that traditional lampposts show wear and tear is at the bottom of the pole. That’s because this is where water has the greatest chance to penetrate through surfaces. It’s also where the most bumps occur from cars, pedestrians, golf carts and so forth. It only takes a bump or two to form tiny fractures in the surface that allow moisture to easily sneak inside and create further damage.

Our specially manufactured lampposts do not rust or corrode and are very resistant to impact damage. Yet, just because the bottom of your lamppost is looking less than its best, doesn’t mean you need to invest in replacing your entire lamppost. That’s why we created a lamppost base that can be attached to almost any standard sized pole. Our lamppost base adds years onto your lightpole by preventing additional corrosion and other issues from further damaging the post. Plus, it dramatically improves outward appearances. Our motto is: If you can’t replace, rebase! Learn more: 

Problem: Lampposts are not providing sufficient light.

Your property likely requires more than just lampposts to be considered sufficiently lit. Tree ring lights, in-ground lights and bullet lights are just some of your many lighting fixture options. Adding a variety of different lighting fixtures helps evenly disperse light throughout your property, shinning light on different heights and angles. Shop our full collection of long lasting landscape lighting: 

Common Problems With Light Fixtures

Light Fixtures offer a multitude of design solutions for a wide array of lighting installations.  Whether one is trying to achieve a particular theme feature by selecting a traditional or modern design or one is selecting a fixture that offers the correct light distribution for the application, there are fixtures to solve most challenges.  Be sure to ask if the city or community participates in Dark-Sky initiatives or if it’s a coastal project, if there are Turtle-Friendly regulations to comply with.  A TerraCast Lighting representative can help guide you through these challenges.

Company: TerraCast Products LLC

Product: Lighting & Lamp Posts



Landscape Design
