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About Infilco Degremont Inc.


Infilco Degremont Inc.

8007 Discovery Drive
City, state:
Richmond, VA
Postal code:
23229-8605 show map
PO Box:
PO Box 71390
Postal code PO Box:
PO Box city:
Richmond, VA
United States
(804) 756-7600
(804) 756-7643

Infilco provides end-to-end solutions in four primary business sectors: drinking water, industrial water, wastewater and sludge treatment by specializing in technologies such as high-rate clarification, filtration, biological treatment, headworks and high-temperature fluid bed inceration.

Degrémont Technologies is a worldwide network of water treatment equipment providers and manufacturers, combining the forces of expert companies for municipal, industrial and leisure markets. Degrémont Technologies is a unification of six North American and European brands:

  • Anderson Water Systems, based in Canada, specializes in industrial process water treatment systems focused in technologies such as packed bed deminerization, electrodeionization, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, degasification, ultrafiltration and nanofiltration.
  • Aquasource, based in France, specializes in ultrafiltration membranes and standardized clarification/disinfection technology. Aquasource is the pioneer of Ultrafiltration applied to drinking water and is constantly improving its water treatment systems.
  • Infilco, based in Virginia (U.S.), provides end-to-end solutions in four primary business sectors: drinking water, industrial water, wastewater and sludge treatment by specializing in technologies such as high-rate clarification, filtration, biological treatment, headworks and high-temperature fluid bed incineration.
  • Degremont Technologies – Innoplana, based in Switzerland, specializes in sludge treatment technologies offering solutions for sludge thickening, dewatering, drying and incineration.
  • Ozonia - With a global presence, Ozonia is regarded as the world leader specializing in ozone generation and ultraviolet (UV) technology for industrial and municipal water treatment.
  • Triogen, based in Scotland, specializes in ultraviolet (UV) and ozone disinfection for industrial, commercial and residential applications.

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(02190) Biological Process
(11200) Water Supply and Treatment Equipment
(11220) Mixers and Flocculators
(11225) Clarifier
(11230) Water Aeration Equipment
(11260) Disinfectant Feed Equipment
(11270) Fluoridation Equipment
(11300) Fluid Waste Treatment and Disposal Equipment
(11320) Grit Collecting Equipment
(11335) Sedimentation Tank Equipment
(11350) Sludge Handling and Treatment Equipment
(11365) Trickling Filter Equipment
(11375) Aeration Equipment
(11380) Sludge Digestion Equipment
(11385) Digester Mixing Equipment
(11390) Package Sewage Treatment Plant
(13190) Site-Constructed Incinerator
(13220) Filter Underdrains and Media
(13260) Sludge Conditioning System
(02 51 23) Mechanical Filtration Decontamination
(02 54 00) Biological Decontamination
(02 54 13) Aerobic Processes Decontamination
(02 54 16) Anaerobic Processes Decontamination
(02 54 19) Bioremediation Decontamination
(02 70 00) Water Remediation
(02 72 16) Biological Water Decontamination
(31 21 00) Off-Gassing Mitigation
(43 08 30) Commissioning of Gas and Liquid Purification Equipment
(43 11 00) Gas Fans, Blowers and Pumps
(43 30 00) Gas and Liquid Purification Equipment
(43 31 00) Gas and Liquid Purification Filtration Equipment
(43 31 13) Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.13) Activated Carbon-Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.16) Gas and Liquid Purification Filter Presses
(43 31 13.19) High-Purity Cartridge Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.23) Membrane Diaphragm Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.26) Multimedia Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.29) Pretreatment Cartridge Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.33) Ultrafilter Units
(43 32 23) Gas and Liquid Purification Process Clarifier Systems
(43 32 36) Mixed-Bed Ion-Exchange Vessels
(43 32 53) Packed-Bed Ion-Exchange Vessels
(43 32 69) Chemical Feed Systems
(43 32 73) Ozonation Equipment
(44 40 00) Water Pollution Control Equipment
(44 51 00) Solid Waste Collection, Transfer, and Hauling Equipment
  (44 62 00) Fluidized Bed Combustion Equipment
(46 01 70) Operation and Maintenance of Residuals Handling and Treatment
(46 06 70) Schedules for Residuals Handling and Treatment
(46 08 70) Commissioning of Residuals Handling and Treatment
(46 23 00) Grit Removal and Handling Equipment
(46 23 13) Chain-and-Bucket Grit Removal Equipment
(46 23 16) Chain-and-Flight Grit Removal Equipment
(46 23 23) Vortex Grit Removal Equipment
(46 23 27) Cyclone Degritters
(46 23 33) Aerated Grit Removal Equipment
(46 23 43) Inline Baffled Grit Removal Equipment
(46 23 53) Traveling Bridge Grit Removal Equipment
(46 23 63) Grit Classifying and Washing Equipment
(46 23 66) Grit Storage Containers
(46 24 16) Comminutors
(46 31 53) Ozone Generating and Feed Equipment
(46 41 00) Mixing Equipment
(46 41 11) Rapid Mixers
(46 41 13) Inline Blender-type Rapid Mixers
(46 41 16) Induction-type Rapid Mixing Equipment
(46 41 17) Inline Static Mixers
(46 41 21) Jet Mixing Equipment
(46 41 23) Submersible Mixers
(46 41 26) Floating Mechanical Mixers
(46 41 27) Paddle Mixers
(46 41 29) Pin Mixers
(46 41 31) Vertical Reel Flocculation Equipment
(46 41 33) Horizontal Reel Flocculation Equipment
(46 41 34) Vertical Turbine Flocculation Equipment
(46 41 36) Walking-beam Flocculation Equipment
(46 41 38) Horizontal Oscillating Flocculation Equipment
(46 43 00) Clarifier Equipment
(46 53 00) Biological Treatment Systems
(46 53 26) Bio-towers
(46 53 46) Biologically Activated Filters
(46 61 21) Pressure Filters
(46 61 23) Gravity Filters
(46 61 29) Traveling Bridge Filters
(46 61 41) Disc Cloth Filters
(46 63 11) Ion-exchange Vessel Media
(46 63 13) Mixed Bed Ion-exchange Vessel Systems
(46 63 16) Packed Bed Ion-exchange Vessel Systems
(46 66 00) Ultraviolet Equipment
(46 70 00) Water and Wastewater Residuals Handling and Treatment
(46 78 13) Multiple-hearth Sludge Incinerators
(46 78 23) Fluidized-bed Sludge Incinerators

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