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About Insul-Tek Piping Systems Inc.


Insul-Tek Piping Systems Inc.

7090 Myers Rd.
City, state:
East Syracuse, NY
Postal code:
13057 show map
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PO Box city:
Manlius, NY
United States

Insul-Tek® Piping Systems is one of the leading manufacturers of prefabricated, preinsulated piping and containment piping systems in the United States. We provide complete pre-engineered piping systems that are custom designed to meet the client’s specific project requirements. We sell our products to universities, governmental agencies, schools, municipalities, airports, prisons, industrial and petro-chemical plants. Insul-Tek® offers a comprehensive package of services including:

  • Complete engineering and design assistance, including product selection, system design with review of system layout including pipe stress analysis.
  • Provide comprehensive project management from budget estimates to on-site technical field service during installation

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Products from Insul-Tek Piping Systems Inc.

Products from Insul-Tek Piping Systems Inc.
RFI Product Description Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Dual-Con is both the most thermally efficient system, and the most corrosion resistant preinsulated piping system available today. Brochures     URL
Drainable, Dryable, Air Testable, Class “A” - Steel Conduit system utilizing a non-corrosive Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (F.R.P.) Exterior Casing. Brochures     URL
A corrosion proof prefabricated, preinsulated piping system utilizing an exterior corrosion barrier of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (F.R.P), which is filament wound directly on to the exterior 10 gauge steel casing. For use on low to high... Brochures     URL
A class “A” prefabricated, preinsulated piping system for use on low to high temperature steam, HWT, and general fluid transportation. The exterior 10 gauge steel casing is protected with a hybrid urethane or Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE)... Brochures     URL
A high temperature composite insulation system encased in a totally non-corrosive, inhert protective casing comprised of High Density Polyethylene (H.D.P.E.) or Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (F.R.P.). No costly cathodic protection systems are... Brochures     URL
Steel carrier pipe insulated with polyurethane foam insulation encased in a protective casing of PV.C., High Density Polyethylene (H.D.P.E.) or F.R.P. (below ground use). Galvanized steel, stainless steel and aluminum casings are available for above... Brochures     URL
Copper carrier pipe in a P.V.C. or High Density Polyethylene (H.D.PE.) casing with polyurethane foam insulation (below ground use). Galvanized steel, stainless steel and aluminum casings are available for above ground use. Brochures     URL
A Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (F.R.P.) carrier pipe with polyurethane foam insulation encased in a protective casing of P.V.C., High Density Polyethylene (H.D.P.F.), F.R.P., or 10 gauge coated steel (below ground use). Galvanized steel, stainless... Brochures     URL
P.V.C. plastic carrier pipe insulated with polyurethane foam insulation in a P.V.C. or H.D.P.E.) casing (below ground use) or galvanized steel, stainless steel, or aluminum casing (above ground use). P.V.C. carrier pipe can be any type or grade,... Brochures     URL
Ductile Iron pipe insulated with polyurethane foam in a P.V.C., High Density Polyethylene (H.D.P E.) or F.R.P. casing (below ground use). Galvanized steel, stainless steel and aluminum casings are available for above ground use. Brochures     URL
The fiberclad containment piping system is the finest and most corrosion resistant secondary containment piping system available. The containment piping system is for fuel oil, chemicals, process waste and general fluid transportation. The system... Brochures     URL
Enviro-Tek Containment Piping is a prefabricated secondary containment piping system for fuel oil, chemicals, process waste and general fluid transportation. The carrier pipe or pipes can be steel, stainless steel, F.R.P., or other. The secondary... Brochures     URL
Prefabricated secondary containment piping system designed for interior use. The system is comprised of a carbon steel carrier pipe in a carbon steel secondary containment casing that is painted with primer, other coatings are available. Brochures     URL
Insul-Tek® Filament Winding Process       URL

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(33 51 13) Natural-Gas Piping

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