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About LAKOS Separators and Filtration Systems


LAKOS Separators and Filtration Systems

1365 North Clovis Ave.
City, state:
Fresno, CA
Postal code:
93727 show map
United States
(800) 344-7205 (ext.267)
(209) 255-8093

Since the 1940s Claude Lava Jr. inventions have been solving problems. A camera that takes pictures deep into water wells. A well casing repair device that restores the effective use of a water well, and the first sand separators, which protected submersible and turbine irrigation pumps.

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(02100) Site Remediation
(02200) Site Preparation
(02210) Subsurface Investigation
(02240) Dewatering
(02520) Well
(11140) Vehicle Service Equipment
(11170) Solid Waste Handling Equipment
(11200) Water Supply and Treatment Equipment
(11300) Fluid Waste Treatment and Disposal Equipment
(11390) Package Sewage Treatment Plant
(11450) Residential Equipment
(15100) Building Services Piping
(15500) Heat-Generation Equipment
(15520) Feedwater Equipment
(00 31 31.16) Gravity Investigations Information
(02 30 00) Subsurface Investigation
(02 31 00) Geophysical Investigations
(02 31 13) Seismic Investigations
(02 32 13) Subsurface Drilling and Sampling
(02 32 16) Material Testing
(02 32 19) Exploratory Excavations
(02 32 23) Geotechnical Monitoring Before Construction
(02 32 23.13) Groundwater Monitoring Before Construction
(02 50 00) Site Remediation
(11 11 13) Compressed-Air Vehicle Service Equipment
(11 11 19) Vehicle Lubrication Equipment
(11 11 23) Tire-Changing Equipment
(11 11 26) Vehicle-Washing Equipment
(11 30 00) Residential Equipment
(11 31 00) Residential Appliances
(11 31 13) Residential Kitchen Appliances
  (11 33 00) Retractable Stairs
(11 82 13) Solid Waste Bins
(11 82 19) Packaged Incinerators
(11 82 23) Recycling Equipment
(11 82 26) Facility Waste Compactors
(21 20 00) Fire-Extinguishing Systems
(22 11 00) Facility Water Distribution
(22 13 16) Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping
(22 14 13) Facility Storm Drainage Piping
(23 12 16) Facility Gasoline Dispensing Pumps
(23 53 00) Heating Boiler Feedwater Equipment
(23 53 13) Boiler Feedwater Pumps
(23 53 16) Deaerators
(31 09 13) Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring
(31 09 13.13) Groundwater Monitoring During Construction
(31 10 00) Site Clearing
(31 23 19) Dewatering
(32 82 00) Irrigation Pumps
(33 20 00) Wells
(33 21 00) Water Supply Wells
(33 22 00) Test Wells
(33 23 00) Extraction Wells
(33 24 00) Monitoring Wells
(33 25 00) Recharge Wells
(33 29 00) Well Abandonment
(43 21 39) Submersible Liquid Pumps
(44 11 20) Gravitational Separators
(44 41 13) Spill Cleanup
(44 51 13) Solid Waste Portable Containers
(46 07 13) Packaged Water Treatment Plants

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