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About METROBRICK® Thin Brick by Ironrock


METROBRICK® Thin Brick by Ironrock

1201 Millerton St SE
City, state:
Canton, OH
Postal code:
44707 show map
PO Box:
PO Box 9240
Postal code PO Box:
PO Box city:
Canton, OH
United States

METROBRICK® Thin Brick is used in precast, tilt-up, field applied and direct applied brick veneer applications. METROBRICK® is a true kiln fired thin brick made to stringent guidelines making it suitable for a variety of building construction types. METROBRICK® is 5/8” thick and is available in a wide range of color options, finishes and sizes. Custom blending of colors is also available. A selection of colors is available as an inventoried product for immediate shipment.

METROBRICK® Thin Brick meets and exceeds all Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Standards for Thin Brick. By meeting the standards set forth by the PCI, METROBRICK® is shown to be manufactured to a standard vital to the success of thin brick cast in concrete.

METROBRICK® is manufactured by Ironrock, centrally located in Canton, Ohio USA. Ironrock’s history of manufacturing exceptional ceramic tile and brick products dates back to 1866. Ironrock is a member of the United States Green Building Council. To learn more visit the METROBRICK® web site @ www.metrothinbrick.com.

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Products from METROBRICK® Thin Brick by Ironrock

Products from METROBRICK® Thin Brick by Ironrock
RFI Product Description Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
METROBRICK® manufactures above TBX Grade Architectural Thin Brick to be used with the following systems:
Cast in Concrete
Field Applied Systems
Tilt-up Panels
Insulated Concrete Formed Walls
Prefabricated Insulated...
Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
An exterior wall system’s actual performance is critical to a building’s life cycle cost and overall performance. Environmental awareness has forced the design and construction profession to re-evaluate how we use our material... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Because METROBRICK® absorptions are much less than full bed brick, spalling and efflorescence are reduced or eliminated. The building facade can basically last forever. With the thin brick attached to the wall system, minor repairs require only... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
METROBRICK® products are manufactured with a strict tolerance of +0" to -1/16" (brick 8" or less) and +0" to -3/32" (brick between 8" and 12") to insure a correct fit into any liner system. Our production methods and tight quality controls insure... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL

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News archive:
METROBRICK® Adds New Texture To Thin Brick Offering (Aug 12, 2012)
METROBRICK® Meets The PCI Standard (Mar 11, 2012)

(04210) Clay Masonry Unit
(04810) Unit Masonry Assemblies
(04 21 00) Clay Unit Masonry
(04 21 13) Brick Masonry
(04 21 13.13) Brick Veneer Masonry
(04 21 13.23) Surface-Bonded Brick Masonry
(04 21 16) Ceramic Glazed Clay Masonry
  (04 21 19) Clay Tile Masonry
(04 21 23) Structural Clay Tile Masonry
(04 21 26) Glazed Structural Clay Tile Masonry
(04 21 29) Terra Cotta Masonry
(04 22 00.13) Concrete Unit Veneer Masonry
(04 22 00.16) Surface-Bonded Concrete Unit Masonry
(04 27 23) Cavity Wall Unit Masonry