Reflectorâ„¢ Enhancer floors featuring gunmetal and titanium
May 31, 2019
People are choosing Reflector™ Enhancer Flooring Systems because they are a completely custom floor that add a unique design element to your space. These specialty floors will be sure to catch someone’s attention. With or without a high-gloss finish, these floors create a feel of movement that mimics water because they are seamless and fluid-applied in place.
Some of the more popular floor colors include gunmetal and titanium. Keep in mind that the base color also determines how the finished product will turn out. You can have a white, grey or black base depending on preference. When choosing what type of REFLECTORâ„¢ Enhancer Floor colors you want to use, remember when referencing a picture, that not one design can be replicated. These designs can be imitated, but due to other conditions such as: weather, base color, curing time, or highlight color used. Be sure to ask your installer for different samples that can provide ideas to how your floor could possibly turn out. There are many more colors to choose from, so the possibilities are endless.
@elitecrete #elitecrete
Company: Elite Crete Systems, Inc. (Headquarters)
Product: Reflectorâ„¢ Enhancer Flooring System
Of: elitecretesystems