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Roof hatches, smoke vents and fall protection

August 28, 2019

Roof Hatches

Babcock-Davis Roof Hatches provide safe and convenient access to commercial building roof areas using interior ladders and stairs. For ultimate corrosion resistance and outstanding exterior durability, Babcock-Davis provides powder coat finish. Babcock-Davis' complete line of Roof Hatch and Safety products meet building codes, fire and life safety requirements. We build our services around your specified needs.

Smoke Vents

Babcock-Davis offers a complete line of smoke vents designed to meet all fire and life safety building codes. Roof top smoke vents automatically open to release heat, smoke, and noxious fumes in the event of a fire emergency, as required by International Building Code. (IBC 910 Heat & Smoke Vents, IBC 410 Stages & Platforms, IBC 3004 Hoistway Vents). Contact our expert sales department for guidance in selecting smoke vents on your next project.

Fall Protection

Babcock-Davis offers OSHA compliant fall protection safety products including safety railings, safety posts, safety nets, safety grating and safety bars. These products complement the roof hatch, smoke vent and floor door product lines.

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Company: Babcock-Davis



Access Covers

Floor access doors for finished flooring (July 30, 2019), Spring forward with basement door maintenance: after rough winter, take steps now to evaluate and tend to your entryway (April 3, 2019), Tree grilles and floor access covers at The Wintergarden (February 27, 2019), Floor access covers for flexible floor finish (January 30, 2019)

