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Sto Corp. Introduces Sto GPS Board Rigid Insulation and the new StoTherm ci GPS Wall System


Sto Corp., the market leader in innovative exterior wall systems, has announced the introduction of , a graphite-enhanced, 100% closed-cell expanded polystyrene insulation board that can be used in a variety of applications, including the new , and improved and systems.

Compared with other rigid insulation products, Sto GPS Board provides several advantages. It is cut in thicknesses that align with ASHRAE 90.1 prescriptive continuous insulation requirements, optimizing economy while minimizing wall thickness. With an R-value per inch of 4.7 at 75°F, Sto GPS Board is comparable to extruded polystyrene products and much more thermally efficient than expanded polystyrene. Sto GPS Board does not contain fluorocarbon-blowing agents. As a result, it features low global warming potential (GWP) and zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and is available in all 50 states.

“Sto GPS Board provides substantial benefits over other rigid insulation products,” explains Richard Martens, Sto Corp.’s Director of Business Development. “We are eager to get it in the hands of contractors and architects so they can see just how great it really is.”

The new StoTherm ci GPS is an exterior insulation and finish system based on the synergistic combination of Sto GPS Board and polyurethane adhesive. Sto TurboStick® cures quickly, improving installation time and eliminating the need for mechanical fasteners. Sto GPS Board provides a thinner wall section for a given R-value, with up to R56 insulation performance. Its silver-grey color provides less glare than white EPS and a professional job site appearance.

StoTherm ci GPS is available in a wide range of performative , including StoCast Wood, StoCast Brick, and StoSignature® textures. Where the hardness and long-term durability of clay brick, stone, or tile are desired, StoTherm ci MVES provides these aesthetics. Further, StoTherm ci MVES can seamlessly integrate with StoTherm ci GPS. Both use a continuous air and water-resistive barrier system, and both provide continuous Sto GPS Board insulation. The result is a multi-clad building installed by one project team, with warranty support from one manufacturer.

Sto GPS Board is also an option within StoPowerwall® ci insulated stucco systems. Closed-cell Sto GPS Board is vapor semi-permeable, controlling inward vapor drive while preserving the ability of the wall to dry out if exposed to incidental moisture. Sto GPS Board for use with StoPowerwall® ci systems is available in 4’x 8’ sheets with R5.0 and R10 thermal resistance.

@StoCorp #StoCorp #building #offices #stoventec

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