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Tectum E & Tectum E-N Acoustical Roof Deck

August 26, 2019

Tectum E-N Acoustical Roof Deck

Three-in-One Composite Roof Deck Panels provide acoustics, insulation, and a nailable surface that accepts a wide variety of roofing materials.

Key features

  • Sound absorption — NRC up to 0.80
  • R-Value up to 43.76
  • Spans up to 6 feet
  • 50 pound design load
  • Diaphragm shear up to 437 dsn/lf
  • Nailable surface
  • Low or high slope applications

Special applications

  • Schools
  • Gymnasiums
  • Auditoriums

TECTUM E Roof Deck panels

TECTUM E Roof Deck panels

TECTUM E-N Roof Deck panels

#ArmstrongBuildingSolutions #Tectum

Company: Armstrong Building Solutions



Interior Design

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