USPS Specifies Centralized Mail Delivery in New Developments
March 28, 2016
Did you know the United States Postal Service (USPS) has the authority to specify the type of mail delivery equipment for any new development? And whenever possible, the USPS specifies centralized mail delivery, or clustered style mailboxes, because it is the most efficient and cost effective method of mail delivery.
Although this authority has been in effect since 2012, its enforcement is just now more broadly penetrating suburban areas and therefore gaining greater media exposure. We here at Florence Manufacturing have been fielding more and more questions as to what exactly this nationwide initiative means and how it affects planners, architects, and builders.
First, a bit of history
While it feels new, the autonomy allowing the USPS to make this determination was actually set forth back in April 2012 when the USPS Postal Operations Manual, which governs delivery operations, was . This revision also enabled the USPS to consider “location and type of equipment, as well as the safety and convenience of both carriers and customers” when determining the method for mail delivery in a given area.
Since then, the USPS has used this authority to specify centralized mail delivery for new developments — including single-family neighborhoods — to better ensure it can provide efficient service with minimal cost impact.
What does this mean for existing neighborhoods?
For established neighborhoods with existing mail delivery service, nothing should change. However, if a neighborhood is expanded so new housing is added, that addition may be required to include centralized mail delivery. Therefore, first and foremost, you should speak with your local USPS representative as early as possible to ensure any new construction project will meet their specifications so mail service will not be interrupted.
When planning for centralized mail delivery, identify a dedicated common space that takes into consideration:
- Location
- Safety and lighting
- Accessibility
- Ratio of mailboxes to package lockers
- Installation type
Next, you will need to select the type of equipment to be used. Whether you opt for cluster box units or versatile™ 4C mailbox suites, Florence offers a that can take a common mail area and transform it to a neighborhood hub. Not quite sure how to choose which product is right for you? Our would be happy to work with you to find the perfect match for your project . . . and some will even help you install them!
While we have plenty of standard product options to choose from, we also know that many projects require something extra, which is why we offer a full range of customization . . . but that’s for our next blog post! In the meantime, simply be sure to talk to your as they will be able to guide you in the right direction.
Company: Florence Corporation