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Rock Stabilization (31 33 00)


Rock Stabilization (31 33 00)

Rock Stabilization (31 33 00)

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Other Companies for Rock Stabilization
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Ameribest Fasteners, LLC Ameribest Fasteners Expansion Bolts are used for Church pews, Stadium Seats, Theatre Seats, Auditoriums and hanging signs. Our Expansion Hook Bolts are used by installers for hanging wire mesh for shotcrete and gunite. Schiller Park, IL       URL
Maccaferri Gabions, Inc. Mass Gravity Retaining Structures These days, gabions are box shaped cages of steel wire mesh. The units are filled with rocks and connected to one another to form monolithic mass gravity retaining structures. The gabions can be easily configured in... Williamsport, MD       URL
RoLanka Intl., Inc. Erosion control and horticultural products from coconut fiber (coir). Excellent for soil bioengineering, streambank stabilization, vegetated waterways and any other application. Coirfiber dust(pith) is an excellent growth medium for the horticulture... Stockbridge, GA       URL
Superior Gunite ALIVA Spritzmaschinen Manipulator Torkret Gunit Spritzbeton shotcrete gunite meyco intradym injection grouting used construction equipment drill rigs Lakeview Terrace, CA       URL
TenCateTM Geosynthetics North America TenCate\u2122 Geosynthetics is the global leader in geosynthetics. We offer progressive system solutions for world markets through our global brands, Mirafi®, Miragrid®, and Geotube®. As a global leader, our geogrids and geotextiles are engineered w... Pendergrass, GA       URL

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For other relevant searches, you might want to try: shotcrete; gunite; various technologies to make an unstable rock slope more stable.

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