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About ACE Geosynthetics


ACE Geosynthetics

1552 Park Street
City, state:
Houston, TX
Postal code:
77019 show map
United States
+877 522 3436 (877-5-acegeo)

ACE Geosynthetics is a leading manufacturer of woven polyester Geogrids and PP & PET woven Geotextiles. We provide most economical and efficient solution to satisfy your needs and produce in accordance with your requirement supplying customized products.

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(02070) Geosynthetic
(02260) Excavation Support and Protection
(02340) Soil Stabilization
(02370) Erosion and Sedimentation Control
(02620) Subdrainage
(02 05 19) Geosynthetics for Existing Conditions
(02 05 19.19) Geogrids for Existing Conditions
(31 05 19) Geosynthetics for Earthwork
(31 05 19.19) Geogrids for Earthwork
(31 32 19) Geosynthetic Soil Stabilization and Layer Separation
(31 32 19.16) Geotextile Soil Stabilization
(31 32 19.23) Geotextile Layer Separation
(31 34 00) Soil Reinforcement
(31 34 19) Geosynthetic Soil Reinforcement
(31 34 19.16) Geotextile Soil Reinforcement
(31 34 23.13) Geosynthetic Fiber Soil Reinforcement
(31 35 00) Slope Protection
(31 35 19) Geosynthetic Slope Protection
(31 35 19.16) Geotextile Slope Protection
(31 50 00) Excavation Support and Protection
(31 51 00) Anchor Tiebacks
  (31 51 13) Excavation Soil Anchors
(31 51 16) Excavation Rock Anchors
(31 52 00) Cofferdams
(31 53 00) Cribbing and Walers
(31 54 00) Ground Freezing
(31 56 00) Slurry Walls
(32 05 19) Geosynthetics for Exterior Improvements
(32 05 19.19) Geogrids for Exterior Improvements
(33 46 00) Subdrainage
(33 46 13) Foundation Drainage
(33 46 13.13) Foundation Drainage Piping
(33 46 13.16) Geocomposite Foundation Drainage
(33 46 16) Subdrainage Piping
(33 46 16.16) Geocomposite Subdrainage
(33 46 16.19) Pipe Underdrains
(33 46 19.13) Underslab Drainage Piping
(33 46 19.16) Geocomposite Underslab Drainage
(33 46 23) Drainage Layers
(33 46 23.19) Geosynthetic Drainage Layers
(33 46 26) Geotextile Subsurface Drainage Filtration
(33 46 33) Retaining Wall Drainage

For other relevant searches, you might want to try: Geogrid, Geotextile, Segmental Retaining Walls, Retaining Wall Systems, Foundations & Slope Stability, Construction Materials, Polymer Products, Geocomposites.