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About Chesapeake Containment Systems, INC.


Chesapeake Containment Systems, INC.

352 Earls Road
City, state:
Middle River, MD
Postal code:
21210 show map
United States
(888) 505-4637
(410) 335-5886
(443) 303-1682
Ryan Kamp
Service Provider

Chesapeake Containment Systems offers a full line of geosynthetic products such as Geomembranes, Geosynthetic Clay liners, Geotextiles, and Geocomposites.

Services offered include but are not limited to landfill cells and closures, wastewater lagoons, geomembrane repairs, rain covers, HDPE pipe fusion, decorative ponds, and potable water reservoirs.

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(02070) Geosynthetic
(02340) Soil Stabilization
(02370) Erosion and Sedimentation Control
(02660) Ponds and Reservoir
(31 05 19) Geosynthetics for Earthwork
(31 05 19.13) Geotextiles for Earthwork
(31 05 19.19) Geogrids for Earthwork
(31 32 19) Geosynthetic Soil Stabilization and Layer Separation
(31 32 19.16) Geotextile Soil Stabilization
(31 32 19.23) Geotextile Layer Separation
(31 34 19) Geosynthetic Soil Reinforcement
(31 35 19) Geosynthetic Slope Protection
(31 35 26.13) Clay Containment Barriers
(31 35 26.16) Geomembrane Containment Barriers
(32 05 19) Geosynthetics for Exterior Improvements
(32 05 19.13) Geotextiles for Exterior Improvements
(32 05 19.19) Geogrids for Exterior Improvements
  (33 46 00) Subdrainage
(33 47 00) Ponds and Reservoirs
(33 47 13) Pond and Reservoir Liners
(33 47 13.13) Pond Liners
(33 47 13.53) Reservoir Liners
(33 47 16) Pond and Reservoir Covers
(33 47 16.13) Pond Covers
(33 47 16.53) Reservoir Covers
(33 47 19) Water Ponds and Reservoirs
(33 47 19.13) Water Distribution Ponds
(33 47 19.23) Cooling Water Ponds
(33 47 19.33) Fire-Protection Water Ponds
(33 47 23) Sanitary Sewerage Lagoons
(33 47 26) Storm Drainage Ponds and Reservoirs
(33 47 26.13) Stabilization Ponds
(33 47 26.16) Retention Basins
(33 47 26.19) Leaching Pits

For other relevant searches, you might want to try: Geosnthetic, Liner, Geomembrane, Pond, Pipe, Lagoon, Landfill, Rain Cover, Rain Tarp, Cell, Waste water, Treatement Plant, GCL, Welding, Composite, Geotextile.