architecture - engineering - construction

About Records Management

Records Management

Document Locator is an enterprise-class document management system with integrated Business Records Management software.

Minimize risk associated with compliance, legal actions, discovery, and regulation with the ability to capture, identify, store, and dispose of business records according to your own records management policies. With Document Locator you can enforce business records management and document retention policies according to the specific needs of your company.

Maintain Compliance Standards with Records Management Software
Government regulations are challenging companies of all types and sizes with new rules requiring strict records management. Records management tools in Document Locator enable you to meet the increasing challenges posed by Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, FDA, Basel II, e-Discovery, and more.

Email Records Management
Document Locator incorporates email and email attachments within records management policies. For many companies, email represents the single largest gap in compliance. With email records management in Document Locator, you have the ability to incorporate email communications so that messages are stored, retrievable, and disposed of when necessary.

Business Records Management for e-Discovery
New rules for e-Discovery require that electronic documents, emails and files relating to legal requests be identified and made available within short periods of time. Document Locator's records management capabilities enable compliance by allowing you to accurately identify records and make them available quickly in their native file format.

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00003 - Building Codes
00220 - Risk Management
01320 - Construction Progress Documentation
01410 - Regulatory Requirements
01780 - Closeout Submittals
00 91 00 - Precontract Revisions
00 93 00 - Record Clarifications and Proposals
00 93 13 - Record Requests for Interpretation
00 93 19 - Record Clarification Notices
00 93 53 - Record Proposal Requests
00 93 54 - Record Proposal Worksheet Summaries
00 93 57 - Record Change Order Requests
00 94 00 - Record Modifications
00 94 33 - Record Minor Changes in the Work
00 94 36 - Record Supplemental Instructions
00 94 39 - Record Field Orders
00 94 43 - Record Amendments
00 94 46 - Record Construction Change Directives
00 94 49 - Record Work Change Directives
00 94 63 - Record Change Orders
01 32 00 - Construction Progress Documentation
01 32 13 - Scheduling of Work
01 32 16 - Construction Progress Schedule
01 32 16.13 - Network Analysis Schedules
01 32 23 - Survey and Layout Data
01 32 26 - Construction Progress Reporting
01 32 29 - Periodic Work Observation
01 32 33 - Photographic Documentation
01 32 43 - Purchase Order Tracking
01 41 00 - Regulatory Requirements
01 41 13 - Codes
01 45 33 - Code-Required Special Inspections and Procedures
01 78 00 - Closeout Submittals
01 78 19 - Maintenance Contracts
01 78 23 - Operation and Maintenance Data
01 78 23.13 - Operation Data
01 78 23.16 - Maintenance Data
01 78 23.19 - Preventative Maintenance Instructions
01 78 29 - Final Site Survey
01 78 33 - Bonds
01 78 36 - Warranties
01 78 39 - Project Record Documents
01 78 43 - Spare Parts
01 78 46 - Extra Stock Materials