architecture - engineering - construction

About Smith-Midland Corp.


Smith-Midland Corp.

Route 28 P O Box 300
5119 Catlett Road
City, state:
Midland, VA
Postal code:
22728 show map
United States
(540) 439-1232

Suppliers of quality precast concrete products.

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(02080) Utility Material
(02390) Shoreline Protection & Mooring Structure
(02400) Tunneling, Boring and Jacking
(02410) Tunnel Excavation
(02441) Microtunneling
(02445) Boring or Jacking Conduit
(02535) Culverts, Manholes, Boxes & Accessories
(02830) Retaining Wall
(02860) Screening Device
(03400) Precast Concrete
(03410) Plant-Precast Structural Concrete
(03420) Plant-Precast Structural Post-Tensioned Concrete
(03450) Plant-Precast Architectural Concrete
(03480) Precast Concrete Specialties
(04220) Concrete Masonry Unit
(07480) Exterior Wall Assemblies
(10305) Manufactured Fireplace
(13045) Special Rooms
(13047) Shelters
(13095) Radio-Frequency Shielded Enclosures
(13126) Observatories
(13132) Prefabricated Dome Structures
(16340) Medium-Voltage Switching and Protection Assemblies
(16400) Low-Voltage Distribution
(03 41 00) Precast Structural Concrete
(03 41 36) Precast Structural Post-Tensioned Concrete
(03 48 00) Precast Concrete Specialties
(07 41 63) Fabricated Roof Panel Assemblies
(07 44 63) Fabricated Faced Panel Assemblies
  (10 31 00) Manufactured Fireplaces
(10 31 13) Manufactured Fireplace Chimneys
(10 31 16) Manufactured Fireplace Forms
(26 13 13) Medium-Voltage Circuit Breaker Switchgear
(26 13 16) Medium-Voltage Fusible Interrupter Switchgear
(26 13 19) Medium-Voltage Vacuum Interrupter Switchgear
(26 18 29) Medium-Voltage Enclosed Bus
(26 18 33) Medium-Voltage Enclosed Fuse Cutouts
(26 18 36) Medium-Voltage Enclosed Fuses
(26 18 39) Medium-Voltage Motor Controllers
(31 70 00) Tunneling and Mining
(31 71 00) Tunnel Excavation
(31 71 13) Shield Driving Tunnel Excavation
(31 71 16) Tunnel Excavation by Drilling and Blasting
(31 71 19) Tunnel Excavation by Tunnel Boring Machine
(32 32 00) Retaining Walls
(32 32 23) Segmental Retaining Walls
(32 35 13) Screens and Louvers
(32 35 16) Sound Barriers
(33 05 23) Trenchless Utility Installation
(33 05 23.16) Utility Pipe Jacking
(33 05 23.19) Microtunneling
(33 77 26) Medium-Voltage Utility Fusible Interrupter Switchgear
(35 31 16) Seawalls
(35 31 19) Revetments
(35 31 23) Breakwaters
(35 31 26) Jetties
(35 31 29) Groins

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